Introduction to Excel Training

Learn Excel fundamentals in a fast paced intensive one day boot camp.

Formulas include Vlookup and Xlookup, SumIfs, and PivotTables.

Database topics include sort and filter.

Courses are hands-on and include practice exercises.

Includes a printed 85 page illustrated manual.

The only course that offers a library of over 160 self assessment tests, 45 minutes of Vlookup and 45 minutes of Pivot Tables!

The only course that includes recorded videos for unlimited review.

Introduction to Excel Training

Training Schedule


March 13th 9am-5pm

March 27th-28th 1pm-5pm


March 22nd-23rd 9am-1pm

April 6th 9am-5pm

Introduction Schedule

Introduction To Excel Outline

Frequently Asked Questions

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