Excel UDF Calls A Macro To Change A Value In Another Cell

Wishful Thinking: Update The Website With Accurate Information Update: November 23rd, 2020: Instead of acknowledging the problem and fixing the incorrect information, in typical Microsoft fashion, the link below on Microsoft’s website now produces a 404 error page, which is why I created a PDF as proof the page existed. It’d be nice if they […]

Excel Class Free VBA Tutorial – Variables

Few things in life are constant. Heraclitus said: The only thing constant is change. Change is constant and variables are used to capture change. In the context of Excel, the names of workbooks change, the number of workbooks you have open is variable, the number of sheets, pivot tables and charts is usually variable, the name of sheets is variable, the values in cells are variable, and on, and on.

Excel Class VBA Macro Adds IfError Functions To Every Formula

Excel Class VBA Macro Adds IfError Functions To Every Formula Today a student asked Excel Class if there was a macro to automatically add an IfError function to every formula on every sheet in a selected workbook, assuming there was not already an IfError function used. On short notice the Excel Class instructor provided the […]

Excel VBA Class Announces East Coast Schedule For Q1 2011

Excel Class is pleased to announce our Q1 2011 Excel VBA Classes schedule. Philadelphia, PA February 16th – 18th – Register Here Boston, MA February 23rd – 25th – Register Here Baltimore, MD March 1st – 3rd – Register Here Miami, FL March 7th – 9th – Register Here Atlanta, GA March 16th – 18th […]